Mildred, a Zimbabwean survivor, has been supported by WWoW since 2014, from the beginning of her reintegration process: from her case brought before the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe recognizing the birth of her daughter resulting from rape and the responsibility of the state, to her direct participation in the StandSpeakRiseUp Forum in March 2019, and the establishment of her agricultural business. Today, Mildred leads a team of 10 survivors working alongside her.
Mildred M. and her daughter have been supported by WWoW since 2014.
In 2005, Mildred worked as a secretary in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. During the waves of violence ordered by President Mugabe to terrorize the opposition during senatorial elections, Mildred and her colleague were raped at their workplace. Mildred becomes pregnant as a result of this rape and wishes to have an abortion. When she learns about her pregnancy, she goes to the police station to file a complaint, a necessary condition to be able to have an abortion. Mildred's complaint is rejected, and consequently, access to medical care is also denied. When her husband, a policeman himself, realizes that she is pregnant, he leaves her and runs away with their son. After giving birth, believing she "saw a monster," she decides to keep her daughter and finds accommodation in a communal slum, as well as a job as a housemaid.
While WWoW provides socio-economic support, Mildred decides to pursue legal action. In 2014, with the support of WWoW, the Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association takes the case to the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe. In 2015, the Zimbabwean government is found guilty of failing to fulfill its obligations. As a rape victim, Mildred had followed the procedures perfectly, including filing a complaint to access medical care. The police refused to take her complaint, and it is on this basis that the government's responsibility was established.
This first legal victory gave hope to Mildred. Since then, WWoW has been providing financial support to Mildred for sustainable socio-economic reintegration while ensuring her daughter's education.
In 2018, Mildred resumed studies in Business Management in Harare. This training allowed her to develop a solid professional project. She dreamt of creating her own business, employing survivors of sexual violence, and establishing a national network of empowerment through work and social reintegration. Thus, her entrepreneurial project of developing a farm came to fruition in late 2018.
The financial support from WWoW enabled Mildred to start her activities with a small capital to build the farm, purchase livestock, and essential equipment. Mildred also acquired the necessary tools for better communication and to work on her entrepreneurial project. Her farm now employs 10 survivors who work alongside her on a daily basis. Her business is now sustainable and viable.
Mildred dreamed that her daughter would receive an excellent education. In 2019, WWoW funded her tuition fees at a quality educational institution, as well as the purchase of school and computer supplies. Despite being stigmatized by her history, Mildred's daughter became the leader of her class and teaches her classmates the basics of computing.
WWoW simultaneously involved Mildred in other projects. Since 2019, Mildred has participated in several international conferences to advocate for the voices and leadership capacity of survivors. WWoW notably connected her with H.R.H. the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. Thus, in March 2019, Mildred spoke at the StandSpeakRiseUp Forum (the first forum for survivors of sexual violence related to conflicts) co-organized by WWoW and the Mukwege Foundation, under the high patronage of H.R.H. the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. Mildred is also now part of the SEMA network of the Mukwege Foundation. Furthermore, she is actively involved within WWoW. She has established a network of rape victims in Zimbabwe and collects their testimonies for legal action.
Thanks to her network, WWoW has also been able to redirect Mildred to other stakeholders who continue to fund her daughter's education. In this context, she is now funded by the Stand Speak Rise Up (SSRU) association.